Geopolitics and Professional Wargaming

In today's world of asymmetric conflicts, security threats, cutthroat competition, and economic uncertainty, thoroughly testing large institutions' plans, strategies, and policies, whether they are government organizations or national or transnational corporations, is of excellent value.
It is important to have experts who can help them find weaknesses and risks by doing things like geopolitical and strategic analysis, as well as creating and simulating both current and future scenarios. This way, surprises can be avoided and complex problems can be solved.
Wargames are crucial for organizations to anticipate future scenarios, enhance strategies for greater effectiveness, and make informed decisions.
Through this methodology, we can identify possible vulnerabilities, test contingency plans, and improve our ability to respond to crises. Additionally, our methodology promotes team collaboration, stimulates creativity, and helps build organizational resilience.
In an increasingly complex and volatile environment, investing in wargames is essential to ensuring the competitiveness and sustainability of the business.

"T&P ANÁLISES" specializes in geopolitical and strategic analysis and in the design and execution of wargames. We offer integrated solutions based on three key pillars: geopolitics, strategy, and wargames. We treat the confidentiality of the information provided with the utmost seriousness. Our services contribute to solving complex problems, assessing plans, strategies, and policies, and exploring plausible scenarios in various environments, whether competitive, conflicting, or highly complex.
Additionally, we believe providing some basic knowledge through courses on these subjects is essential to better understanding our solution's capacity. In addition to offering classes at three levels—familiarization, learning, and execution of the wargaming methodology—we provide a practical course where students can participate as players in a wargame created exclusively for this purpose.


Introduction to Wargames
Learn about the history and evolution
Deepen your knowledge in Wargaming
Getting familiar with and understand the methodology
Develop a Wargame in a guided way

Play a wargame with us

Get in touch with us
+55 21 981739943 / +55 21 99842-2223