King's College London (KCL) NATO Wargaming Week 2024: Sharing Wargaming Best Practice
The event, which King's College London organized in collaboration with NATO, emphasizes the significance of the wargaming methodology.
King's College London (KCL) NATO Wargaming Week 2024:
Sharing Wargaming Best Practice
KCL's NATO Wargaming Week 2024 gathered NATO wargaming experts from academia and industry to share best practices and enhance methods in wargames. The focus was on boosting understanding and professional skills in this domain. The event featured lectures, workshops, and group discussions covering diverse War Games topics. Esteemed specialists shared their insights and experiences on best practices in War Games methodology. Additionally, the event fostered idea exchange and networking among professionals in the field.
Improving Professional Proficiency
One of the key goals of Wargaming Week 2024 was to enhance professional wargaming expertise. Attendees could boost their skills and knowledge via hands-on drills, simulations, and case studies. Additionally, the gathering fostered dialogue and the advancement of fresh strategies and techniques for NATO wargames. By working together and exchanging ideas, participants collaborated to enhance understanding in the field and refine current methods.
The King's Wargaming Network, a research team at King's College London dedicated to advancing wargaming theory and application for investigation, learning, and teaching, organizes King's Wargaming Week every year. The network, rooted in KCL's Wargames history, connects students, professionals, and academics exploring wargaming methodology and simulations across various domains beyond war and conflict, including land, sea, air, cyberspace, space, politics, business, and health.
T&P Análises has been expanding the use of its methodology beyond military applications. To support this, we have been actively engaging with the international War Games community to enhance our approach, exchange knowledge, best practices, and experiences, and build important connections in the field. On a national scale, T&P is working to promote wargames and their methodology through various avenues, including upcoming webinars scheduled for June, details of which will be announced shortly.
Further information about the Wargaming Week, held from April 16th to 18th, is available at